
15th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter 2024

Jul 8-12 2024 L'Aquila (Italy)

Outreach Program

In 2023, IDM2024 promoted the contest “Color the Dark Matter” in the Middle Schools of the city of L’Aquila. After explaining all the students what we know and don’t about Dark Matter, we asked them to realize the  LOGO for the IDM 2024 conference.    

Over 800 students participated in the competition from 5 different middle schools of L’Aquila, i.e. Patini, Mazzini, Dante , Carducci and Celestino V.

The 20 most appreciated projects were awarded with special prizes during a dedicated event hosted by L’Aquila University the 23 of May 2023. 

You can see the selection of best logos here.  

The project of Greta Mariani from the class 1st E of the middle school G. Carducci was awarded as the best overall project and used as a basis for the IDM2024 logo.